I want to serve on a Chrysalis Team Serving Emmaus If you are human, leave this field blank. First Name * Last Name Address Address Line 2 City State Zip Home Phone Cell Phone Email Church Name Pastor Church Address Address Line 2 City State Zip When/Where did you attend Emmaus/Chrysalis Would you serve on a team? Yes No Flight/Walk # List any previous Emmaus/Chrysalis team experience In what ways do you currently support the Emmaus community? Gatherings Agape Candlelight Closing Prayer Vigil Are you currently a member of a Christ-centered group? Yes No Do you play a musical instrument? Yes No Disclaimer I understand that team members are expected to pay for the full cost of the weekend. I also understand that each applicant and each team position are prayerfully considered, and I will cheerfully serve in any position that is asked of me.