About Emmaus

emmaus-300x300What is the Walk to Emmaus?

The Walk to Emmaus is a 72-hour retreat weekend where participants experience the love of Christ through servant leadership. During the weekend there are 15 talks given by laity and clergy to help build and strengthen your relationship with God.

Who should attend?

The Walk to Emmaus is intended for adults who are active in a local church of any Christian denomination, seeking a renewed understanding of the grace of God and desiring to strengthen their walk with him.

What should I know before attending?

The Walk to Emmaus is an intense short course in Christianity. You will be living in a sequestered environment and asked not to bring any work, electronic devices, cell phones or watches. There will be times of silent reflection, prayer, singing, laughing, worship, sharing Holy Communion, and participation in small groups.

What should I bring with me?

The Chesapeake Walk to Emmaus is held at the Riverview Retreat Center at Camp Pecometh, with hotel style accommodations (2 persons per room). You will need comfortable clothing, sweater or jacket, a Bible, medications, and personal hygiene products.