What to do if you want to sponsor a pilgram

Do you have someone that you would like to sponsor for the life changing Emmaus Walk?

                                                  Pray   Pray   Pray   Pray   Pray 

  1. Make sure your sponsorship training is up to date.  Greg Hastings ( gahastings102@gmail.com ) coordinates the training. The training is offered by zoom.  Contact Greg to make arrangements. You can check your sponsorship training date by logging into the data base /Directory on the website. Training must be updated every 2 years.
  2. Download the application – Chesapeake Walk to Emmaus Application (1) If you have any questions contact the registrar Nancy Mayonado ( Nancy Mayonado@gmail.com )
  3. Communicate with the pilgrim and assist in completing the application. Address any concerns they may have or obstacles keeping them from attending.